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Important Information!! Medicine * Science * Technology...

Good Reasons to Quit Smoking Cigarettes...!!!!!

Smoking can cause emphysema, lung cancer, and heart disease. But none of this is new, none of it is news. All smokers know about this, but they tune out and gloss over the possibility of coming down with smoking-related diseases so that smoking does not feel like a fearful, guilty experience. But the sooner you take off the blinders and carefully consider the damage nicotine addiction causes, the sooner you can quit smoking cigarettes. Here are five good reasons to go easy on the cigarettes.
1. Heart Disease
In the U.S alone, coronary heart disease is the leading cause of death, and the leading cause of the disease is smoking. Cigarette smoke toxins cause plaque to form in arteries. This leads to atherosclerosis, or the hardening of arteries. Put more simply, smoking is hard on the heart.
2. Lung Cancer
The American Cancer Society estimates that in the U.S alone, hundreds of thousands will be diagnosed with cancer every year, and three-fourths of these cases will result in death.
Lung cancer is the cancer that causes the most number of deaths in both women and men. Worse, 87 percent of lung cancer cases involve tobacco. The silver lining in the dark cloud is that lung cancer is completely preventable, and the best way to prevent it is to quit smoking cigarettes.
3. Stroke
According to the U.S Department of Health and Human Services, stroke kills more than 150,000 people every year. It's the third most frequent cause of death in the U.S. The risk of suffering a stroke is higher for smokers than that of non-smokers - roughly 2 and 1/2 times more, in fact.
4. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
This lung disease either narrows your airways or blocks them altogether. When this happens, air flow in and out of your lungs is reduced. It's a slow, progressive disease that is irreversible. Tobacco is the leading cause of COPD. If you're a smoker and want to halt the damage, stop smoking. There is no other way. In the U.S alone, an estimated 14 million suffer COPD undiagnosed.
5. Oral Cancer
According to statistics, 70 percent of all oral cancer cases are due to heavy tobacco use and alcohol consumption. Why risk coming down with oral cancer? Quit smoking cigarettes while you still can.
Do not wait till you're sick to quit smoking cigarettes. Learn just how destructive tobacco really is, and start fighting your nicotine addiction today!

Cholesterol symptoms and prevention

The risk of high cholesterol

High blood cholesterol is one of the main risk factors for heart disease, along with smoking, high blood pressure, carrying excess weight, family history and a sedentary lifestyle. So it pays to have your doctor check your cholesterol regularly (particularly if you’re over 50) and look at ways to keep it down.

High cholesterol is usually defined as over 5.5 millimoles per litre (mmol/L).

However if you already have heart problems or have one or more risk factors, your doctor may prefer to keep it lower at 4.5 mmol/L or less. You need to discuss any blood tests with your doctor to work out the best course of action for you.

10 steps to lower your cholesterol

Here are 10 steps to help reduce your blood cholesterol if it’s high. They are listed in order of priority with the most important steps at the top.

1. Maintain a healthy weight. Often just losing excess weight if you’re overweight will automatically bring your cholesterol down.

2. Steer clear of saturated and trans fats. These are the ‘bad’ fats that raise cholesterol. You’ll find them in fried fast foods, salty snack foods, commercial pies, pastries and biscuits, fatty meat, deli meats (salami, bacon, sausages), chips, fries and doughnuts.

3. Eat small quantities of ‘good’ fats which are monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. These are found in oils, soft spreads/margarines, nuts, seeds and avocado. Allow 1-2 tablespoons of oil for cooking and salads plus 1 tablespoon spread/margarine a day.

4. Eat 3 serves of sterol-enriched foods each day. Currently there are spreads (Logicol, Proactiv), milk and yoghurt (Heart Active).

5. Eat a handful of nuts (30-50g) a day, preferably unsalted.

6. Eat plenty of soluble fibre in oats, barley, psyllium and legumes (beans, peas). This can sweep cholesterol out of the body via the bowel.

7. Eat generous serves of vegetables and fruits for their antioxidants. Aim for at least 5 serves of vegetables and 2 serves of fruit a day. Red wine, tea and dark chocolate also add antioxidants, but you don’t need heaps of these, 1-2 serves is ok.

8. Buy ‘whole grains’ whenever you can. Shop for grainy bread, muesli, oat cereals, cereals marked ‘whole grain’, and brown rice.

9. Swap to low-fat or skim milk and yoghurt. Buy reduced-fat cheese or use cottage/farm cheese.

10. Limit cholesterol-rich foods such as liver, kidney, brains, egg yolks, prawns and calamari (squid). You can eat them twice a week and make sure they’re cooked in a good oil. For most people, eggs are the food they miss most, so it pays to find egg replacers or recipes that don’t use eggs as binders (meat loaf or muffins).

The mobile and Alzheimer's and human beings

Researchers from the University of South Florida to find evidence that waves? ? electro magnetic of mobile phone used to avoid disease Alzheimer may help also in contrast to raise for those who are infected . It was  (Journal of Alzheimer's disease) in accordance with the results of research, published in the magazine waves a significant impact on the memory of mice recovery and those that are supposed to be infected with the disease, which led to reducing the amount of protein in the brain believed most specialists working negative statute which accompanies . After fears spread by some that the use of mobile may cause suffering brain cancer confirms the results of the study  that use in the protection of nerve cells as researchers found no evidence to suggest that brain damage or cancerous cells

Olive oil protects the skin of ageing some fearful

Olive oil protects the skin of ageing some fearful. From the spectre of obesity were reluctant to deal with fat food and fatty foods, which reap skin to women that pay the price. Recalling specialist U.S. nutrition air Boran many young women suffer from dry skin because they do not eat enough of fat if you are you eat less than 20 grams of fat a day, the skin may not be able to grease himself and that your body would not be able to absorb adequate amounts of vitamin needed by the skin to prevent early senility. And advises air port that you have in addition to olive oil to power, as well as avocado and nuts

Is it true tea reduces the level of iron in the body

Is it true tea reduces the level of iron in the body drink tea useful in anti-انھ للتاكسد and انھ low in the level of caffeine... In a recent study by scientists to study the impact of drinking tea to people eat meals daily normal) ھامبرجر beans,) and then to ascertain the levels of iron لديھم compared with other beverage... The research found that tea has led to reduce the level of iron absorption by 62 percent compared to بالقھوة that led to خفضھ by 35 percent ... But المھمة information existing in tea affect the process of Tannin was that of iron to absorb only when dealing with vegetables, grains ھل chewing gum is harmful to health can be chewing gum useful with regard to hygiene mouth and teeth if without sugar (the problem is not calories contained few, but in the impact of sugar on teeth), especially if that contained مطھرة... Usually chewing gum تساھم also in improving the smell of the mouth... المھم ھو not exaggerate it should not be chewing gum for more than a few minutes twice or three a day... Some people speak about health problems caused فيھا to swallow gum... Even ھناك of says انھا will remain in معدتك seven years... The truth is that ابتلاعھا is not harmful as many believe doctors confirm that the body already unable to ھضمھا only انھا moving slowly out of the body naturally... In some cases led the large quantities of chewing gum which ابتلعھا children to cases of an intestinal blockage. Any that tea does not negatively affect at all on iron levels in dealing with red meat, fish and Whites... The point المھمة turn: tea does not affect negatively upon the preservation of the programme of balanced diet.

Medicines (1)

First-aid medicines poisoning may happen poisoning with medicines through the mouth as grain or sedative as accidental for a dose of large or because of drugs (any medicine in a way that is incompatible with customs and traditions and social medical asset, known as). It also would be through inhalation or injection. It is poisoning with medicines and household articles of the biggest health problems existing global and more common among all strata of society and the categories of ages poisoning incidents involving children and adolescents and youth and adults. Poisoning occurs, either accidentally or by mistake by attempting suicide or exposure to chemical materials in the workplace or at home and poisons generally could be swallowed or dispersal in Laayoune or spilt on the skin or inhaled. The drugs might be poisonous if dealt with a person not described to him or if taken in large quantities. Our children are the most at risk from poisoning with medicines, and in particular those under five years of them, which eat, drink anything communicate without understanding. including some of the articles and the things that may be detrimental to health if people dealt with non-earmarked him or if it had been dealt with in quantities that differ from doses recommended. It should therefore make every effort to keep things which may be prejudicial to children away from their grasp. :symptoms - widening eye or their contraction in gay. - the difficulty in breathing and up to the cessation of respiration. - the occurrence of muscle in some cases. - the occurrence of vomiting, but it does not happen directly, but we must expect to happen. - the occurrence of her in some cases. - decrease in blood pressure. - accelerates pulse with no irregular are often difficult a. - the occurrence of hinder and cold to inveigle. - decrease in the heat. - may suffer the injured from Parkinson's disease and HELS when dealing with stimuli. - when dealing with a large dose of aspirin feel injured my stomach pain and vomiting and be accompanied by vomiting blood. In addition to the feeling of sleepy and gloom with two tons in the ears and the difficulty of breath with race and be strong pulse. : ambulance - injured on both sides with Milan the body is a party to the head. - the liberalization of all the roads, respiratory diseases. - inciting the injured to vomiting while be aware of. - monitoring body temperature and maintained within the normal limit. - Control of pressure and respiration, pulse. - linking poisons coal use medical. - to send the injured to hospital as soon as possible. - to send there beside him cans of medicine and materials that its vomited for analysis. At the advent of a doctor emergency must be made for the process of artificial respiration and a pipeline for when necessary. - must also be compensation for the infected blood who lost.

wiled life

Wiled Life

This is the largest water lily in the world .
It grows in the Amazon river.The leaves can be up to two meters across.
The are strong enough to stand on Fish , insects and animals feed on them ,so thay are good for wiled life
but they sometimes block the river because they are so big .

This is the largest lily flower in the world but no body would want to stand anywhere near it
it has such a terrible smell attracts flies
These go inside the flower and crawl from one part of it to another this help the flower to make anew plant
This lily is one meter across ,it grows in the rain forest in south east Asia.
a tree frog lives in this plant !!
The plant collects water between its leaves and keeps it in a pool .
The frog lays it eggs in the pool .The eggs turn into tadpoles .
They feed and grow in the pool until they be come small frogs .
Tree frog are found in south America and south-east Asia.

Good Reasons to Quit Smoking Cigarettes...!!!!!

Smoking can cause emphysema, lung cancer, and heart disease. But none of this is new, none of it is news. All smokers know about this, but they tune out and gloss over the possibility of coming down with smoking-related diseases so that smoking does not feel like a fearful, guilty experience. But the sooner you take off the blinders and carefully consider the damage nicotine addiction causes, the sooner you can quit smoking cigarettes. Here are five good reasons to go easy on the cigarettes.
1. Heart Disease
In the U.S alone, coronary heart disease is the leading cause of death, and the leading cause of the disease is smoking. Cigarette smoke toxins cause plaque to form in arteries. This leads to atherosclerosis, or the hardening of arteries. Put more simply, smoking is hard on the heart.
2. Lung Cancer
The American Cancer Society estimates that in the U.S alone, hundreds of thousands will be diagnosed with cancer every year, and three-fourths of these cases will result in death.
Lung cancer is the cancer that causes the most number of deaths in both women and men. Worse, 87 percent of lung cancer cases involve tobacco. The silver lining in the dark cloud is that lung cancer is completely preventable, and the best way to prevent it is to quit smoking cigarettes.
3. Stroke
According to the U.S Department of Health and Human Services, stroke kills more than 150,000 people every year. It's the third most frequent cause of death in the U.S. The risk of suffering a stroke is higher for smokers than that of non-smokers - roughly 2 and 1/2 times more, in fact.
4. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
This lung disease either narrows your airways or blocks them altogether. When this happens, air flow in and out of your lungs is reduced. It's a slow, progressive disease that is irreversible. Tobacco is the leading cause of COPD. If you're a smoker and want to halt the damage, stop smoking. There is no other way. In the U.S alone, an estimated 14 million suffer COPD undiagnosed.
5. Oral Cancer
According to statistics, 70 percent of all oral cancer cases are due to heavy tobacco use and alcohol consumption. Why risk coming down with oral cancer? Quit smoking cigarettes while you still can.
Do not wait till you're sick to quit smoking cigarettes. Learn just how destructive tobacco really is, and start fighting your nicotine addiction today!
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Cholesterol symptoms and prevention

The risk of high cholesterol

High blood cholesterol is one of the main risk factors for heart disease, along with smoking, high blood pressure, carrying excess weight, family history and a sedentary lifestyle. So it pays to have your doctor check your cholesterol regularly (particularly if you’re over 50) and look at ways to keep it down.

High cholesterol is usually defined as over 5.5 millimoles per litre (mmol/L).

However if you already have heart problems or have one or more risk factors, your doctor may prefer to keep it lower at 4.5 mmol/L or less. You need to discuss any blood tests with your doctor to work out the best course of action for you.

10 steps to lower your cholesterol

Here are 10 steps to help reduce your blood cholesterol if it’s high. They are listed in order of priority with the most important steps at the top.

1. Maintain a healthy weight. Often just losing excess weight if you’re overweight will automatically bring your cholesterol down.

2. Steer clear of saturated and trans fats. These are the ‘bad’ fats that raise cholesterol. You’ll find them in fried fast foods, salty snack foods, commercial pies, pastries and biscuits, fatty meat, deli meats (salami, bacon, sausages), chips, fries and doughnuts.

3. Eat small quantities of ‘good’ fats which are monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. These are found in oils, soft spreads/margarines, nuts, seeds and avocado. Allow 1-2 tablespoons of oil for cooking and salads plus 1 tablespoon spread/margarine a day.

4. Eat 3 serves of sterol-enriched foods each day. Currently there are spreads (Logicol, Proactiv), milk and yoghurt (Heart Active).

5. Eat a handful of nuts (30-50g) a day, preferably unsalted.

6. Eat plenty of soluble fibre in oats, barley, psyllium and legumes (beans, peas). This can sweep cholesterol out of the body via the bowel.

7. Eat generous serves of vegetables and fruits for their antioxidants. Aim for at least 5 serves of vegetables and 2 serves of fruit a day. Red wine, tea and dark chocolate also add antioxidants, but you don’t need heaps of these, 1-2 serves is ok.

8. Buy ‘whole grains’ whenever you can. Shop for grainy bread, muesli, oat cereals, cereals marked ‘whole grain’, and brown rice.

9. Swap to low-fat or skim milk and yoghurt. Buy reduced-fat cheese or use cottage/farm cheese.

10. Limit cholesterol-rich foods such as liver, kidney, brains, egg yolks, prawns and calamari (squid). You can eat them twice a week and make sure they’re cooked in a good oil. For most people, eggs are the food they miss most, so it pays to find egg replacers or recipes that don’t use eggs as binders (meat loaf or muffins).
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The mobile and Alzheimer's and human beings

Researchers from the University of South Florida to find evidence that waves? ? electro magnetic of mobile phone used to avoid disease Alzheimer may help also in contrast to raise for those who are infected . It was  (Journal of Alzheimer's disease) in accordance with the results of research, published in the magazine waves a significant impact on the memory of mice recovery and those that are supposed to be infected with the disease, which led to reducing the amount of protein in the brain believed most specialists working negative statute which accompanies . After fears spread by some that the use of mobile may cause suffering brain cancer confirms the results of the study  that use in the protection of nerve cells as researchers found no evidence to suggest that brain damage or cancerous cells
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Olive oil protects the skin of ageing some fearful

Olive oil protects the skin of ageing some fearful. From the spectre of obesity were reluctant to deal with fat food and fatty foods, which reap skin to women that pay the price. Recalling specialist U.S. nutrition air Boran many young women suffer from dry skin because they do not eat enough of fat if you are you eat less than 20 grams of fat a day, the skin may not be able to grease himself and that your body would not be able to absorb adequate amounts of vitamin needed by the skin to prevent early senility. And advises air port that you have in addition to olive oil to power, as well as avocado and nuts
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Is it true tea reduces the level of iron in the body

Is it true tea reduces the level of iron in the body drink tea useful in anti-انھ للتاكسد and انھ low in the level of caffeine... In a recent study by scientists to study the impact of drinking tea to people eat meals daily normal) ھامبرجر beans,) and then to ascertain the levels of iron لديھم compared with other beverage... The research found that tea has led to reduce the level of iron absorption by 62 percent compared to بالقھوة that led to خفضھ by 35 percent ... But المھمة information existing in tea affect the process of Tannin was that of iron to absorb only when dealing with vegetables, grains ھل chewing gum is harmful to health can be chewing gum useful with regard to hygiene mouth and teeth if without sugar (the problem is not calories contained few, but in the impact of sugar on teeth), especially if that contained مطھرة... Usually chewing gum تساھم also in improving the smell of the mouth... المھم ھو not exaggerate it should not be chewing gum for more than a few minutes twice or three a day... Some people speak about health problems caused فيھا to swallow gum... Even ھناك of says انھا will remain in معدتك seven years... The truth is that ابتلاعھا is not harmful as many believe doctors confirm that the body already unable to ھضمھا only انھا moving slowly out of the body naturally... In some cases led the large quantities of chewing gum which ابتلعھا children to cases of an intestinal blockage. Any that tea does not negatively affect at all on iron levels in dealing with red meat, fish and Whites... The point المھمة turn: tea does not affect negatively upon the preservation of the programme of balanced diet.
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Medicines (1)

First-aid medicines poisoning may happen poisoning with medicines through the mouth as grain or sedative as accidental for a dose of large or because of drugs (any medicine in a way that is incompatible with customs and traditions and social medical asset, known as). It also would be through inhalation or injection. It is poisoning with medicines and household articles of the biggest health problems existing global and more common among all strata of society and the categories of ages poisoning incidents involving children and adolescents and youth and adults. Poisoning occurs, either accidentally or by mistake by attempting suicide or exposure to chemical materials in the workplace or at home and poisons generally could be swallowed or dispersal in Laayoune or spilt on the skin or inhaled. The drugs might be poisonous if dealt with a person not described to him or if taken in large quantities. Our children are the most at risk from poisoning with medicines, and in particular those under five years of them, which eat, drink anything communicate without understanding. including some of the articles and the things that may be detrimental to health if people dealt with non-earmarked him or if it had been dealt with in quantities that differ from doses recommended. It should therefore make every effort to keep things which may be prejudicial to children away from their grasp. :symptoms - widening eye or their contraction in gay. - the difficulty in breathing and up to the cessation of respiration. - the occurrence of muscle in some cases. - the occurrence of vomiting, but it does not happen directly, but we must expect to happen. - the occurrence of her in some cases. - decrease in blood pressure. - accelerates pulse with no irregular are often difficult a. - the occurrence of hinder and cold to inveigle. - decrease in the heat. - may suffer the injured from Parkinson's disease and HELS when dealing with stimuli. - when dealing with a large dose of aspirin feel injured my stomach pain and vomiting and be accompanied by vomiting blood. In addition to the feeling of sleepy and gloom with two tons in the ears and the difficulty of breath with race and be strong pulse. : ambulance - injured on both sides with Milan the body is a party to the head. - the liberalization of all the roads, respiratory diseases. - inciting the injured to vomiting while be aware of. - monitoring body temperature and maintained within the normal limit. - Control of pressure and respiration, pulse. - linking poisons coal use medical. - to send the injured to hospital as soon as possible. - to send there beside him cans of medicine and materials that its vomited for analysis. At the advent of a doctor emergency must be made for the process of artificial respiration and a pipeline for when necessary. - must also be compensation for the infected blood who lost.
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wiled life

Wiled Life

This is the largest water lily in the world .
It grows in the Amazon river.The leaves can be up to two meters across.
The are strong enough to stand on Fish , insects and animals feed on them ,so thay are good for wiled life
but they sometimes block the river because they are so big .

This is the largest lily flower in the world but no body would want to stand anywhere near it
it has such a terrible smell attracts flies
These go inside the flower and crawl from one part of it to another this help the flower to make anew plant
This lily is one meter across ,it grows in the rain forest in south east Asia.
a tree frog lives in this plant !!
The plant collects water between its leaves and keeps it in a pool .
The frog lays it eggs in the pool .The eggs turn into tadpoles .
They feed and grow in the pool until they be come small frogs .
Tree frog are found in south America and south-east Asia.

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